Tuesday, June 29, 2010

06/29/10 glance at handler in backyard (handler sitting) 10 7 70%

10 9 90%

½ sec of eye contact in backyard (sitting) 10 7 70%

10 6 60%

10 7 70%


scanning with ears and nose. Could hold gaze, but wouldn't offer quickly

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Chuck Food

06/28/10 1 sec of eye contact in bedroom (handler standing) 10 7 70% still do not hear clock ticks

10 8 80%

10 7 70%

10 9 90% Good timing!

Also, LLW in a playground by the "throw treats down the throat" method. ;) Got a few clicks for a nice head-up/eye-contact heel. Two women almost ate Gatsby. That is, walked across the other side of the playground and entered a building. He was remarkably good about the street sounds though. His reactivity is very sight based. Oh how I wish I could find a reactive dog/CU class here! It's not aggression, and I don't think I'd really call it fear either, he just doesn't like it when stuff happens and he can't investigate. Off-leash he's a little rude in the approach (rushing, very fast movements) but doesn't sound like he's being fed to a woodchipper. Also need to do a closer reading of Feisty Fido.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Training is a Mechanical Skill

I didn't get to do as much as I was planning to do today; I took a surprise trip to Milwaukee. But when someone offers to buy me books, I don't turn that down. I got Alexandra Horowitz' Inside of a Dog and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Not super impressed with it either so far, but I'm only forty pages in.

Behavior: Focus
06/27/10 1 sec of eye contact in bedroom 10 8 80% I have trouble with duration criteria as I have no idea how long a second is

10 7 70% on second thought, I have three ticking clocks in my room. Why was I not using that?

10 8 80%

10 9 90%

1 sec of eye contact in bedroom (handler standing) 10 9 90%

1 sec eye contact in bedroom, standing, moving fist up and down 10 7 70%

10 7 70% got sniffy, distracted. Ended training session.

General Thoughts on Today: Mechanical skills were kind of crap. I was in a rush to do something with him that I wasn't as precise with treat delivery as I should have been. It's harder standing. Gatsby may be a Giant Miniature Schnauzer, but he's still a little dude. Some of my clicks were off. Duration of anything is a struggle for both of us.

Tomorrow: Pass 1 second of attention with moving hand. Short break, then move to the yard. Continue as per http://www.clickersolutions.com/articles/2001/attention.htm I'd like to shoot for three or four sessions: one refresher in the house, one in the yard, and one on the road (there is the possibility of a softball game tomorrow night?)

Future: Start Crate Games again. Think about reorientating points (CU) - Coming out of crate (no more zoomies!), collar touch. Work on a whiplash turn on name. Look at That Stuffed Dog (CU). Back of hand (or knee?) continuous nose touch.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back in the Fold, Day 1

I love science, tables, and data.

Behavior: Focus
6/26/2010 not sniffing offered treat in fist 10 6 60%

10 7 70%

10 9 90%

Ignore 1 sec 10 4 40% offered treat in flat hand to differentiate from touch cue. Protecting treat=failed trial

10 7 70%

10 9 90%

glance away from treat fist (held away from body) towards handler 10 8 80%

10 7 70%

10 9 90%

glance towards handler in bedroom 10 8 80%

10 9 90%

½ sec of eye contact in bedroom 11 11 100%

Tomorrow (later tonight?): 1 sec of eye contact in bedroom

Kool-Aid, Please.

Right, so, scratch that. Penalty Yards are more effective than a choke chain by a factor of a billion. True facts, I took data. Why in the world did it take me a year to find this? Knocks the roots off "be a tree."

How do you like the new layout? Because I freaking love Blogger's new layout machine. There are some new blog in the roll, ch-ch-ch-check them out.